Code of Ethics
- We, at Sahaya Therapy, LLC dedicate ourselves to serving the best interest of each client.
- We, at Sahaya Therapy, LLC will not discriminate between clients or professionals based on age, race, creed, disabilities, handicaps, preferences, or other personal concerns.
- We, at Sahaya Therapy, LLC maintain an objective and professional relationship with each client.
- We, at Sahaya Therapy, LLC respect the rights and views of other mental health professionals.
- We, at Sahaya Therapy, LLC will appropriately end services or refer clients to other programs when appropriate.
- We, at Sahaya Therapy, LLC will evaluate our personal limitations, strengths, biases, and effectiveness on an ongoing basis for the purpose of self-improvement. We will continually attain further education and training.
- We, at Sahaya Therapy, LLC hold respect for various institutional and managerial policies, but will be happy to improve such policies to preserve the best interest of the client is served.
If you believe any of your rights have been violated, please ask to speak to the President of Sahaya Therapy, LLC.