Pre-Registration, Registration and Appointment Scheduling
Welcome to Sahaya Therapy, LLC. Please visit our website and complete the pre-registration form. Please fill into all of the Highlighted fields. All client data is stored in an encrypted EMR.
The pre-registration process is complete only when the Insurance, Demographic data and Forms are signed.
- 1The Scheduler collects the HIPAA & Consent forms and Insurance/EAP information, The Billing Specialist collects the credit card information, process payments, and verifies insurance information.
- 2The appointment is scheduled and confirmed after the Billing Specialist verifies the insurance benefits. The billing specialist will correspond directly to the client to inform them of their financial responsibility before the appointment.
- 3The scheduler sends an email verification to schedule the client with dates and times available in the schedule.
EAP Pre-registration:
Completion of the Pre-registration, HIPAA and Consent Forms before the first meeting not only saves time, but also eliminates errors when entering your information into the EMR. Client information is secure and confidential and handled by only designated administrative staff.
The completion of your pre-registration, HIPAA & Consent forms, Credit Card information (if applicable), Insurance card images, and emergency contact information is required before scheduling your first session. These requirements will save time, eliminate errors in your Electronic Medical Record (EMR). Client information is secure, confidential, and handled by the designated administrative staff member.
Appointment Scheduling and Rescheduling Process questions:
Self-Pay: Clients without insurance or with insurance carriers not on our list should select the Self-Pay option. For rates, please email Anita Rock at Credit card information-Please contact Anita at 540-220-1329. Please read and sign the HIPAA and CONSENT forms below, then return to Virtual Assistant at -- Forms can be electronically signed
Insurance card: Submit a copy of the front and back of your insurance card (save in a .jpg format) to Virtual Assistant via email
For pre-registration and scheduling assistance please contact Virtual Assistant; and for billing and credentialing assistance please contact Anita Rock or 703-349-2772.